Thursday, May 5, 2011

NASA Goddard Institute because Space Studies

Factors of climate change and rapid solution
scientific studies have shown rapid deterioration of the degree of climate change, has been likened with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a few years ago the worst situation worse, so many scientists and politicians understand the need to cool the planet as soon as feasible. In the past cut back on global warming, virtually only converge on reducing carbon emissions in this place, nevertheless now known to reduce carbon emissions is important, although, even now, the world is changed to zero-carbon emission economic and access of life for thousands of years the gas will still disappear. Some scientists and politicians are increasingly understood to impede the presence of methane and ozone and other greenhouse gases shorter, and the combustion of biomass with fossil fuels or carbon black said coal ash, etc., and other occasions of global warming gas emissions to the atmosphere, you can quickly cool the planet. there was a climate scientist, said there is now a short time we have to reduce greenhouse gases, the Earth habitable for the generations to ensure that, and the need to reduce carbon dioxide, the generation number of years later to ensure that the Earth habitable. restrict these gases, especially methane, more thrifty and relatively quickly, on the inverse, many of the technology to reduce carbon emissions, if only still in the sprout, that is, a lot of money to be spent and time, can only apply to the current public establishing. the scientific community came to know, livestock will expedite global warming, some researchers are beginning to acknowledge that livestock share of absolute global greenhouse gas emissions, much higher than ten eight percentage, which is proposed by the FAO 2006 report: <>, the estimated proportion, the report pointed out that livestock is the number one source of anthropogenic methane emissions, methane is will generate ozone, meat and cattle production to feed growing livestock feed, break the Amazon rainforest in Brazil more than Qi Cheng, shift to plant-based diet will be terminated, for the varieties of feed and cattle grazing, and burning of jungles to take place, can reduce dark carbon dust falling glaciers in Antarctica and the Andes.
we will begin to hear some of the world's leading climate scientists and other scientists in the field, talking quickly to inhibit the urgency of climate change, and then a short time about the existence greenhouse gases, how to present information to chilly the planet.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Department, director of climate scientist James. Dr. Han Sen (Dr James Hansen Leading climate scientist Director of NASArs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) wrote:: It is hard to understand this, because we do not disburse care degree Celsius global temperature mushroom, caustic weather changes each daytime, so we did not notice has been facing a crisis, in fact, we are at a critical juncture, because we were going over climate system, the critical point, the consequences would be disastrous, in fact, we have passed a critical point,the additional hand, that is the Arctic Sea, the Arctic sea ice has been faced with the danger will fade.
Moore New York University Institute of Technology physicist vegetarian (Noam Mohr: Physicist New York University Polytechnic Institute, USA Vegetarian) said: We are witnessing a log high temperature records around the earth, biological and accordingly extinction, rising sea levels, coastal overran, ailment scattering, and more extreme weather, worse if left unchecked, the present findings, the predicted calamity is only the starting.
Marine Biology University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Catherine Dean. Professor Richard De Desen (Katherine Richardson Professor Biological Oceanography Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science,beijing massage, University of Copenhagen n Denmark) said: The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel ashore Climate Change namely right, they are largely based on the information 4 alternatively five years antecedent predicted the Earth's rank, portend what the hereafter status of the climate system is now probably someone favor four or 5 years antecedent, the file shows, and the result is: we are in the so-called Professor Peter Gregory: Director, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK, said: We know many cases while the change merely while they know the changes, in fact, than we formerly thought many faster, thus greatly reducing our period to act. < br> Oslo, Norway, International Climate and Environmental Research Center,toronto escorts, the South can be. Afu Sen, Dr. Dr. Knut Alfsen: Research Director Center for multinational Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo Norway wrote: Yes, our final true threat to the sustainability, climate change allows us to completely depend on the system, part of the basis for change, I talked approximately the eco-system is the land and marine ecosystems, either are melting glaciers, water will affect billions of people needed, and finally we must shake because folk can not live in a area without water, so work on, large-scale social clash is unavoidable, and a serious menace to the earth and sustain save.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ecologist Andrew. fares Professor Xu Lin Professor Andreas Fischlin: Ecologist Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland, said: I must mention so, some ecosystems ambition presently be a very serious shock, we must do everything we tin to stop climate alteration, to shirk such a major tragedy, which would threaten our well-being, human well-being.
Stanford University climate scientist Steven. Dr. Shi Nade Stephen Schneider, PhD: Climatologist Stanford University, USA, said: Who wants to take a hazard and the Earth in this lab? we lost the jackpot Department can not furnish to
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, director of climate scientist James. Dr. Han Sen (Dr James Hansen Leading climate scientist Director of NASArs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) wrote:: Yes, the time actually not many, in fact, I calculate, is the opener phase of the next 2 years.
Scottish Crop Research Institute director Professor Peter Gregory, Professor Peter Gregory: Director, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK, said: I do think that Unless we rotate off the tap morrow, or else the Earth will continue warming, we do not want universal warming out of control, it is essential to address this need to change all greenhouse gases, about 6, methane is one of them, as well as carbon dioxide, oxidation nitrogen, and other sub.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? Clinton (Hillary Clinton: Secertary of State for the United States of USA) said: We know thatmethane, black carbon and tropospheric ozone, short life wheel of the gas, on the Arctic warming cycle (Dr. Kirk. Smith: Professor of Global Environmental Health University of California n Berkeley, USA) wrote: About Nianwu years ago, when the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) released the initial report, and for the premier time in Rio de Janeiro Earth Feng Council, climate change seems to be very far away, in the long run, carbon dioxide, the chief symbol of course, and now climate change is close at hand, we are the main objectives of the ecological impact of gambling, especially the blend of glaciers and sea ice disappears so, we understand that it is not distant away, to think about the immediate and long-term solutions, science has also made large progress, our current understanding of the existence of some shorter greenhouse gases affect the climate of the time short to long term Look, we undoubtedly have to deal with carbon dioxide, and in fact, when I think about this answer, I think this life the only way to solve global warming, is there a short time dealing with gas, carbon dioxide, the means of any treatment may be efficient, but can not last long.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Department, director of climate scientists, James. Dr. Han Sen (Dr James Hansen Leading climate scientist Director of NASArs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) wrote:: Because emissions of carbon dioxide into the air, maximum of them will linger there more than a thousand years.
University of California by Berkeley, California n Berkeley, USA) said: The subsistence of shorter gas, methane is the most momentous, they are not the only warming more mighty than carbon dioxide gas,beijing massage, they are shorter, he said namely the treatment can be momentary, so there is a short time, make them more momentous, principally if ways can speedily reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide an of the problems is namely many treatment exceedingly tough and valuable, it really has a near correlate between energy systems, and life and afterward, in entire the energy, the operation of fossil fuels along the wealthy countries, poor countries absence to use more fossil oils, because they must amplify, we must study how to reduce these gases, it is not simple nor low, on the additional hand, there is longer than short of gas, like methane, some people phoned the > University of California, Irvine, Yi Sebo. Simpson, Ph.D. (Dr. Isobel Simpson: University of California n Irvine, USA) said: methane in the atmosphere can stay for about eight years, said the methane emissions today, eight years after, about only an third of the quantity, comparative to other greenhouse gases, there are relatively short and exciting on the grounds that, if efforts to reduce methane emissions, will soon reflect the effects from the atmosphere, methane, unlike the other nitrous oxide molecules, remain in the atmosphere fjust about long, so if exertions to reduce methane emissions, you can immediately affect the airy radiative forcing, the idea of ​​reason, it may fall butme time, so that carbon dioxide below control, then Although this is to say, the passageway of time if the laissez-faire,beijing escort, and the lip, there is not time to handle with the other greenhouse gases.
NASA Goddard Institute as Space Studies Department, mentor of climate scientist James. Dr. Han Sen (Dr James Hansen Leading climate scientist Director of NASArs Goddard Institute for Space Studies, USA) said: We can do many things to dilute emissions, if you dine the base of the edible chain do not eat beasts, than act everything to aid the animals create a lot of greenhouse gas, meat product process likewise uses a lot of energy, so the deeds of individuals, perhaps a vegetarian is the best you can do entities.

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