Wednesday, April 27, 2011

comprising pollution

Zhuoda: the strategic alternative of rotating to the sea
mm Xinhua News Agency, the development of a base in Silicon Valley. First of all workers are to ensure, while the factors that we have no limitations, because it is in an area of ​​Qingdao, which is solitary. We once afresh with talk of Ocean Research Institute, the Academy of jubilant that this time line, the nearest of the daytime to daytime can come back, we can also work there in your time, you can accept all the issues, and integration of the project through the development of international ocean this competence.
Silicon Valley namely the simple blue harbor, marine transport, no simply the land reclamation, which is why I mention the blue economy, since it namely a national strategy apt mediate with a nation's living space and room as evolution. the state should The on magnificent efforts to the strategic studies from the legislative to the industrial distribution, to the rational evolution of what these norms should be introduced as presently as possible. Our goal is to have a blue Silicon Valley behind the berth itself, mechanism industrial park and multinational engines and found metropolis, which has a state large industrial project. merely to rely aboard it, Blue Valley is ten times larger than the existing projects, the Academy very many engage with this view, the development of its territory because of the lofty seas, our goal is to It made China the guiding marine development, marine development leading to high-tech, high ground is to the ocean, the depth of field to the development of the high seas demonstration space. The ocean development, you can work to the Atlantic, you can work to the Pacific Ocean, You can go to the Indian Ocean.
These should get a conceptual terms, the concept of our territory is no blue boundaries, the key depends on your ability to amplify. We have a simple making chain, the marine fishing I just said, and 30 marine miles has been nobody to what can be fishing, and very poor. I see at a childhood, Antarctic whaling went to split end on board the whale, and then start extracting the oil inside, there are other entities. Now marine fishing has been adult to what extent, and also still the chief whaling is deep-sea fishing. it even the world has come to brand narcotics, the board can be produced,shanghai massage, it is placed in the workshop are several hundred thousand tons of the ship, and went out fishing, came back all achieved, and then trampled the other waste management of the The anti-pollution treatment to treatment, the rebate of the reduction in the ocean in the ocean, to do the feed as fared back, of course, some of our marine productions for human consumption and so on. This is just the ocean fishing, but the real burial submarine in the ocean of oil, natural gas, nonferrous metals, precious metals, has now been proven far more than the (land), it is much more than the total land keeps, because the proportion of, the land only three of the Earth one area.
Reporter: Our country has 14 billion tons of proven offshore oil and normal gas is more than ten million tons.
Yang Total: And this is just a prelude reconnaissance, we have 18,000 km coastline out , have a digit of exploration to the development of marine resources in our nation began late. Now why in the earth in many countries, like Japan, the United Kingdom, United States, Russia and additional countries the development of dismiss drilling, because it can occasionally cross the boundaries of the You drill out the oil. So pile up caustic competition for marine resources. We all know Japan is the island, its emphasis on marine resources and to what extent? Japan 890 km away from a desktop at such a large reefs, showing only small waves , the waves had to see him not, it accounts for the reefs, by all costs after the reefs around the piling, pile a few hundred meters, and then make a huge platform. The platform came out to the 200-mile radius of it all its economic operation area, nearly 400 kilometers 200 miles, when 400 km, (on both sides) 800 km, 800 km t800 km operation area is its economy, which is occupied along marine resources.
So Blue Valley worth distant greater than our present value of the project in Shandong, greater than the harbor, more than we Shandong Heavy Industry, including machinery park and the engine base, the city, the Blue Valley to ten times greater than the value of it, put it as a citizen development of marine resources, Development of Marine living space, development of a example of this and these academicians likewise reached a accordance, which is a major publish in their hereafter, a important citizen issue. Of course, China has 18,000 km of coastal port cities do not fewer, but we are late, we are a white ground, it was missing was assist, our avail is that there is enough land to do aid, the other port cities, but do not have enough support for the land.
last Shandong, when a representative of Institute of Oceanography, Professor Zhou told us, he took the big paperback turned to me and said we are the ocean fishing practices, like the Chinese coal. the world, only China and North Korea in the scald coal, other countries are 200 varieties of expensive resources are extracted, the residue using only the heat generated by it, and we are burning coal directly. He gave me six boxes with canned edible, including tuna, salmon , and there are shrimp, I say now who eat canned food, he said it was in UK. Later I learned that he was more than that canned seafood we eat much higher nutritional value. people of canned production to tick off noxious substances, and to comprise the lacking readiness of the nutrition are entered. ate the canned food for three months, even if you do not eat vegetables hundred days, it ambition not have mouth ulcers. He said it also is the basic processing,many. at weather and additional factors, then that is deeper biopharmaceutical and so on. There are more perfected than this, more nice peak, and a lot of asset to do on this project in our in-depth research and development.
immediately Germany, the UK pharmaceuticals, including Canada, U.S. and Japanese pill, and its raw materials Liucheng more from the ocean, of lesson, the ocean is wash human. So the Blue Valley is one of our larger strategic goal, but the first step whether we do not base, Blue Valley there is no end result. you just do a real possession, put forward a Qianba acres of small-scale projects, set high, it is from basic processing to the most cutting-edge depth has been extracted, dozens alternatively even hundreds of links. before Pharmaceutical Research Fellow of botany and nature Zhou Guangzhou to Sanya and a dozen experts to examine. went up after he said cactus, cactus, some dine, some can not eat. but he said to eat the cactus is actually a consume, whether a Cactus sell a dollar, a cactus extract that can be sold for 1 million after the opener technology of our country (not reach). high-end, the very long shackle is very long, in this final portion, we obtain also mini. So the Blue Valley is to do this, not only solve the problem of resources, but can really transform a national demonstration district for ocean development. I said, the prelude is we want to start this project, and this project started the first big the absences of manufacture. The second, the wharf needs of other industrial parks, such as receptacle, and now the revitalization of the logistics industry is the top ten areas of logistics to quit the harbor is not the real logistics. because so far the strongest of people traffic , the lowest pollution, maritime transport is the lowest cost. a warship 30 million tons, was the equivalent of 100 exercise. And if it is 100 trains,toronto escorts, forward with the practice carrying the load was how many? including pollution, consumption, etc. These . So now the country's strategic oil depots, large stuff cache are placed in the harbor there. but only the harbor, there is no urban construction, all here in the industrial workmen, industrial legion no training, no health concern, no sanitation, no consumption, no hotel, did not live, is still no path. So we have these here, and now push before at full speed.

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