Wednesday, April 27, 2011

① ③ limb obedience signification of the questions. ② ④ limb point mistake.

The first box
world is a universal connection, peppery coaching
commemorate Earth Day, forty-one of the world
【Materials】 April 22, 2010, Land and Resources, People's Government of Liaoning Province, China Geological Bureau of Investigation, Geological Society of China to Day theme, to encourage people to conserve energy and cheap carbon alive into everyday life in each elaborate, the human in dictate of Land and Resources Initiative, from me, tiny entities from the side and about to, cherish every inch of land adore each resource,as causativeable path, switch off automobiles,toronto escorts, use fewer of electricity, save a piece of paper, a drip of water protection, the maintenance of resources is reflected in every detail of annual life, production our alive habits, so that low-carbon lives a social practice.
】 【coaching contact point is a common trait of materialist dialectics, the world surrounding all things linked to other things. solemnly commemorate the forty-first Earth Day will help navigate people to consciously practice line low energy consumption, low pollution, energy saving, low-carbon way of life, correctly handle the relationship between man and nature, is conducive to grip the natural environment and social and economic activities as well as the link between people's lives, the universality, objectivity, diversity and other characteristics improve the understanding of things, the ability to solve problems.
1. from the 1st earth one age topic ought be how to handle with the relationship between man and nature. People have long abandoned the idea of ​​human-dominated nature of the error, to rebuild the agreeable relationship between man and nature. This requires that we (
① links to acknowledge the objectivity of things, reflect human action
② adhere in practice to find new ways to overcome nature
③ linked to a correct understanding of the universality of things, kind of natural
④ efforts to promote the natural master of human
ABCD. ③ ④
A.】 B. This publish examines the characteristics of the students knowledge of the use of contact thinking, problem-solving abilities. ② ④ limb performance error, exclusion. ① ③ limb is to correctly handle the relationship between man and nature method.
2. from me From little things around, start now, cherish every inch of land, treasure every resource, switch off cars, use less of electricity, save a piece of paper, a drop of water conservation, the conservation of resources is reflected in daily life every detail. This contains the chief reason is the dialectic ()
A. contact with the prevalent B. Contact subjective
C. the world has understood of the D. consciousness predictability
A.】 A. by a lot of little things from the side to save resources and improve the relationship among man and nature, reflecting the universality of the adjoin. B point mistake, CD is not reflected in the fortuitous working.
3. the human transformation of nature for generations , due to the existence of human nature in many more human contact, but such contact is still the objective, because ()
A. Contact with the diversity of B. two things, contact with the everlasting nature of
C . directly linked to exist ahead of oblique D. human contact is through the practice of things fashioned
A.】 D. The question analyzed student characteristics of human contact with the objectivity of the understanding of the reasons, D meet the meaning of the questions. A is not the cause , BC view the error.
Second, exercising test questions
(a) multiple choice questions (four options listed in the 每小题, only one subject is in line with the requirements.)
1.2010 years July 13, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters brain office exclusive interview with Xinhua said that the central and eastern equatorial Pacific last winter's El Nino event occurs, the Tibetan Plateau and a number of Eurasian snow cover anomalies, since the sub-tropical winter oppression on the mighty side last year Xunhou many extreme weather memorabilia of this year's flood season rainfall anomalies during the deep-seated reasons for the high side. This shows that ()
A. practice is the fundamental driving force to promote the development of learning B. material determines feeling, To be naturalistic
C. D. things are generally related with the material world is the utter motion relatively static uniform
1.C. The question of way and interpretation of test materials, student information. many climatic elements and this year irregular rainfall in overflow season, the process reflects the tall side contact on the universality, C meet the meaning of the questions. ABD not reflected in the material.
2.2010 on July 1, the maximum standards of China and the world, the longest mileage, operating speed The fastest high-speed Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Railway put into operation. It will enhance the operation along the effective flow of resources, is conducive to regional economic development. the material description ()
A. Any other things with the circling there is certainly something that people can contact
B. intrinsically linked to change things,toronto escorts, the state of things, the establishment of new specific contact
C. Contact is an objective thing, people can not change people to their own
D. things will change contact
2.B. The question the objectivity of test students understanding of the link. Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity high-speed railroad construction and the objectivity of formal operations is to follow the link rendition, but likewise things that people can be based on the inherent link establishment of a new human contact, B meet the meaning of the questions. ACD attitudes are erroneous.
3.2010 on March 19, Taiwan has a wide impact, long period of dust weather, traffic, environment, agriculture and beast husbandry and the masses adversely affect the health and life, to plant and threaten the safety of people and cattle. experts recommend to fully prepare for the departments cared to take timely measures to deal with, to prevent dust weather hazards. the material description ()
① links of things universal
② front of people in the law can do nothing
③ movement of people to understand things, to build conditions for an effect to dwindle the injury occasioned by its
④ understanding of things conducive to reform the law of laws
AB ① ③ CD ③ ④
3.B. dust weather on vehicle, context, agriculture and the impact on people's health and life embodied contact with the universal; arrange for timely disposal measures taken to prevent dust climate peril that people can create conditions to reduce the abuse caused by dirt and dust storms, ① ③ persistent meaning of the questions. ② ④ limb point error.
4.2010 on June 1, the Ministry of Finance announced that decide in Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei 5 cities purchase of new energy vehicles started subsidizing personal pilot. specialists shake on the development of China's automotive manufacture, the buyer path, stock prices, global climate change ambition have multiple effects in numerous areas. This includes the argument truth is ()
A. Contact the variety of asset that anyone two things bound to B. There is a direct interlock
C. link between things, human things eternal D. link is a production of practice
4.A. The question test students understanding of the diversity of contact. private perquisite for purchase of new energy vehicles will have multiple effects on the pilot, reflecting the diversity of contact, A consistent meaning of the questions. BC point error. D is not reflected in the casual working.
5. With the work of the College Entrance Examination in 2010 fired one afterward distinct, some cities computer's computer's Starting
AB ② ③ CD ③ ④
5.C. subject compare.
(b) non-multiple choice questions
6.2010 ashore May 21, the State Council General Office of Ministry of Environmental Protection and additional departments referred to as the and layout, evolution and implementation of emission limits for wind pollutants in particular, the implementation of environmental impact assessment of the regional consultation machinery; addition the focus on pollution obstruction and control exertions, development of regional aggregate sulfur dioxide emission rebate targets, the establishment of nitrogen oxide emission control system particulate material and volatile alphabetical compounds to promote pollution obstruction; reinforce the neat energy use, regional coal expense control experiments, rigid control of coal-fired projects in key zones, promoting low-sulfur, low ash coal blending megalopolis; promote traffic pollution control, and cultivate current making vehicle type agreement system of environmental conservation; enhance regional ventilation quality monitoring system, strengthening the focus on regional air quality monitoring, and strengthen management of urban air quality category, the strengthening of regional environmental statute enforcement supervision. Through these amounts to effectively promote the go of coupler prevention and control of air pollution to improve regional air quality.
respond using the knowledge of the relevant links:
(1) What are characteristics of contact?
(2) universality, objectivity and diversity of other features.
(2) ① contact with the universal. . ② contact with objectivity, but it is something inherent in the contact according to the state to change things, the establishment of new specific contact. Environment Department to continue from reality, a correct understanding of the factors causing regional air pollution, prevention and control of the air to browse the specific objective efficient measures of pollution, following the objectivity of the contact. ③ contact with diversity. regional air pollution control requirements relative to various factors, strengthen the clean use of energy, strengthen the motor vehicle pollution control, and improve regional air quality monitoring system to enhance air quality protection measures such as capability building, focusing on adjustment of air pollution and improve air quality in a diversity of contact. grasp of the diversity of contact.
The second box is accustom to contact the point of view,
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Yangtze River Delta Regional Planning approved
【Materials】 May 24, 2010, the State Council formally approved the implementation of the Regional Planning . Yangtze River Delta, including Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the regional area of ​​210,700 square kilometers. The area has become the best root for citizen development, institutional environment, the best overall one of the maximum competitive in our society modernization construction as a whole has a very important strategic location. At present, the Yangtze River Delta region is facing increased capability of independent innovation, ease resource and environmental constraints, efforts to promote reform in difficult areas such as the heavy task of upgrading is in a critical period of conversion. conception requires that we correctly understand and knob the whole and the part of the dialectical relationship. the State Council formally approved the implementation of the comprehensive economy strength in the region, but also help to promote sound and rapid economy development of our society.
【Example】 present, the Yangtze River Delta district is facing additional capability of neutral innovation, ease resource and environmental limitations, efforts to promote reform in complicated areas such as massive mission, is in a critical duration of transformation and upgrading. This manner that ()
① key part of the overall function of the repressing effect from ② to play part of the function is the overall optimization does not have the
③ elements within the system is conducive to system functions ④ determined to play the whole part of
AB ① ③ CD ③ ④
A.】 B. The whole question examines the dialectical relationship with the part of the, that issues affecting the development of the Yangtze River Delta region as a whole is consideration to a key part of many of the problems from the constraints on the overall reflect the role, ① ③ limb obedience meaning of the questions. ② ④ limb point error.
Second, exercise test questions
(a) multiple alternative questions (4 adoptions listed in the 每小题, merely one is in line with subject required.)
1. 2010 年 7 3, a World Cup in South Africa the focus of combat - Germany vs Argentina particularly noticeable. before the game by many fans optimistic approximately Argentina in the game depends mainly on a small number of stars fought bravely as a result, Argentina is not the absence of stars has been a team player with the German team to knock. This proves once repeatedly ()
A. As part of the overall needy structure formation, it will harm the overall function of the play < br> B.
C. whole people, including some updates are infinite ideas of things
D. recession is a process
1.A. of this title examines the dialectical relationship between the whole and the part of the theory. by a small number of star crew fought bravely with the team lost to a team actor, did not play that part of the regular function between, A consistent meaning of the questions. BCD not reflected in the casual working.
2.2010 on June 4, the State Council General Office Published on beyond increase energy conservation efforts to build up restructuring the steel industry a digit of opinions stressed that the development of iron and steel corporations from industry, the overall location, strengthen internal management, actively carry out backward, energy conservation, scientific innovation, mergers and acquisitions, and other task for the steel industry, a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable and healthy development. the material description ()
A. link things determine the common part of the overall B.
C. things are bound to D-link . to promote the internal factors of structural optimization, will help the system function
2.D. by correction of the internal structure of the steel industry to promote its comprehensive, coordinated development is the optimization of the performance of the system, D consistent meaning of the questions. A is not in the casual working expression. BC point of view is not correct.
3.2010 on June 26, Vice Minister Wang Wei in the focus on improving the competence of green development and technology aid to enhance the overall layout of the green development of technology, breakthroughs in key technologies, to solve conspicuous problems limiting the development of green. The need for breakthroughs in key technology because ()
A. Part of the function opener the functional status of the whole activity a crucial character in the overall and prejudiced
B. narrations in command of the overall status of
C. functions of any portion of the overall functional status of the decisive portion
D. things to be dominant in the development of
3.A. breakthrough technology is the key focus to residence the constraints part of the overall development of the embodiment, A consistent meaning of the questions. BD is not reflected in the casual working. C point error.
4.2010 years May 7, Xiamen Municipal People's Government issued barrier obtain the most from the change to play
C. understanding the reality of things
D. To clutch to the subsistence of disadvantageous conditions
4.B. of this heading examines the significance of system optimization. the integration of urban and rural greening, including interaction , the interaction of the to 26, the CPC Central Committee held in Beijing, the national work session on human resources. The meeting urged entire localities and departments have to unify their thinking, enhance knowing, closely nigh the power of this strategic goal of building human resources, personnel work hard to make a real fall of the measures reality. This is for ()
A. Work of genius is the center of the present work
B. is part of the overall essay, the left part of the overall total to no longer dominant
C. status, the overall officer of the parts, some subordinate to and serve the overall function of the overall
D. greater than the parts function and
5.C. all localities and departments must unify their meditative, to create the overall awareness that the concept of based on the whole, the whole situation, C meet the meaning of the questions. AD opinions are wrong. B is not reflected in the casual working.
(b) non-multiple choice questions
6.2010 on July 5 to 6 days, the CPC Central Committee, State Council Western Development held in Beijing conference. *** In his discourse President pointed out that the western development strategy of China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization drive an important part of the overall situation. in-depth implementation of the Western Development Strategy is to accomplish the grand building a moderately prosperous society important task objectives, related to the well-being of all people, China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization as a whole is related to permanence of the state and the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. implementing the western development strategy for 10 years, the eastern and central regions to actively encourage, support and guide the spacious participation and support of forces in western development has not only promoted the development of the western region, the western land full of vitality, but also for citizen development has opened up a wider space. there is no stability in the western region there is no stability in the country, there is no off the west there is no well-off country, there is no modernization of the western region can not be said to achieve the modernization of the country. gradually narrow the development gap between regions, to achieve citizen economic and social development, and afterward achieve common prosperity of all people, is the required prerequisite of communism and also the overall development of China's major issues. persist to shove forward the western development, not only of great practical significance, but has far-reaching historical significance.
(1) The material reflects the truth of what philosophy?
(2 ) Please use contact analysis shows that the knowledge of the significance of western development.
6. (1) contact the upon materials are chiefly reflects the universality, objectivity; key part of the function and its change from the decision on the overall function role.
(2) ① things are generally connected. West development is narrated to China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization pedal is narrated to the eastern and chief regions of the sustainable development and prevalent boom for all people. for help to promote the development of western the process of reform and opening up and socialist modernization construction pace, and promoting resource flows to eastward and central regions to enhance the class of economic development, East Midlands, helping improve people's living criteria, accelerate the pace towards common boom. ② contact with the objectivity of things. West as part of the country, the relationship between the two is an objective reality. implementing the western development will help address the constraints from the reality of economic and social development factors, optimizing the modernization of regional factors among the system, speed up socialist modernization. ③ whole and part interrelated, inseparable. part of the function and its change will influence the overall function, the key part of the function and its change on the overall function and even decisive role. implementing the western development will help enhance the overall strength of the western and promote National economic and social development, enhance our comprehensive strength and fulfil the magnificent rejuvenation of Chinese country.
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